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Charley's Sled Dog Kennel
Wasilla, Alaska

Sponsorship Opportunities
Help us reach NOME by becoming a part of our team!
Select from the suggestions below or make a donation of any amount through PayPal.
All proceeds go directly to Charley's Sled Dog Kennel.
Your support is greatly appreciated!

Straw Supplier
Your donation will be used to purchase straw that will serve as a comfortable and warm place for the dogs to sleep along the trail or at a checkpoint.
Feed the Team
Your donation will assist in the purchase of meat, fish, fat, kibble, and other snacks for the team. Sled dogs can burn up to 10,000 calories a day. That's a lot of kibble!
Bootie Booster
Your donation will help provide dog booties for the athletes as they run from checkpoint to checkpoint along the trail. We go through thousands of booties each year!

Sponsor a Dog
Choose an Iditarod athlete from the dog page, and you will help sponsor that dog for the cost of training and racing for the entire season. Your name will be listed under that dog. You will receive a picture of your dog, a signed picture of the team and a dog bootie for your contribution.

We greatly appreciate all of those who are assisting us in our ability to participate in the 2020 Iditarod race! It takes a lot of time and money to prepare a dog team for this adventure. A donation of any amount will help support the team. If you would like to be part of the team, you can make your contribution through the PayPal link at the top of this page, or send your contribution to Charley here:
Charley's Sled Dog Kennel, LLC
P.O. Box 879012
Wasilla, Alaska 99687
Email us at:
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